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Linear Statistical Inference and its applications

Linear Statistical Inference and its applications

Linear Statistical Inference and its applications. C. Radhakrishna Rao

Linear Statistical Inference and its applications

ISBN: 0471218758,9780471218753 | 642 pages | 17 Mb

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Linear Statistical Inference and its applications C. Radhakrishna Rao
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience

We investigate the statistical inferences and applications of the half exponential power distribution for the first time. Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications, 2nd Edition Calyampudi Radhakrishna. Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications, 2nd Edition. Linear statistical inference and its applications (2nd ed.). Rao would be found in almost any statistician′s list of five outstanding workers in the world of Mathematical Statistics today. Rao, "Linear statistical inference and its applications". Atkinson [6] proposed this diagnostic plot to detect potential outliers and influential observations in linear regression models. The proposed model defined on the nonnegative reals Nadarajah [1] provided a comprehensive treatment of its mathematical properties. Its tails can be more platykurtic ( ) or more .. Applied Linear Statistical Models, Kutner et al 或者Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis, 3ed. (Princeton University Press,1946). Cramér, "Mathematical methods of statistics". Type I error and the number of iterations in Monte Carlo studies of robustness. Montgomery, Peck, Vining可以作为入门的Regression的教本。 C.

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